We can assist you in all cases involved in Juvenile Court. Whether your child is charged with a delinquent act, has a CHINS case or is being taken from you, we can help. We regularly work in juvenile Court and understand the unique procedures that regular family attorneys don’t understand in juvenile court.
John Rife Is Forsyth's Top Juvenile Attorney
Helping You Understand The Processes To Ease The Burden Upon Your Family
Unfortunately, children make mistakes. Whether a felony or misdemeanor, a child’s future can be directly impacted by a conviction in juvenile court. The Court can jail a child, can remove them from a parents custody, can take their driver’s license and many other things. It’s important to have a juvenile lawyer who is experienced in juvenile court, not just one who comes out “once in a while”.
The scariest thing is the removal of a child from your custody. The stakes are high and many times, guidance in what can be done to hasten the return of a child to his family is what is needed. A family law attorney may not know all of the possibilities to get the child back home. Use the experience of a seasoned juvenile attorney.
Call us today for a free consultation.
Do I Need a Lawyer for a traffic ticket for my child?
The laws regarding children driving have changed dramatically over the last several years and a child losing their license is easier than ever. A child convicted of certain traffic offense can lose their licenses for up to a year and can even have to take specialized schooling to get their license back. In addition, traffic offenses are placed on your child’s record causing your insurance to skyrocket. We my be able to help. Unlike “regular criminal atorneys” we know programs and arguments that may help your child.
Call us today.
My children have been removed, what do I do?
If your child has been removed there are a great many safeguards that could get you child back home quicker than you representing yourself. Understanding the process and using time tested techniques can short circuit the amount of time a child is away from a parent. So many times, inexperienced lawyers go out to juvenile court and try to use family court techniques and by the time they figure it out, months have gone by and the child is still in DFACS care.
Do not face this alone. Call us today or fill out the form below and find out how we can help you solve your problem today!
Delinquency is a violation of a felony, misdemeanor or traffic offenses. Even though jail is possible, the Court has numerous options available that can change a child's life. But, the goal is usually redirection.
Basically this is when a child is either removed or supervised by DFACS and the court. Return is always the first option but rights can be terminated as well if certain case plan goals are not met within certain time frames.
A biological father may not be a legal father and have no rights in juvenile court. A legal father was married to the mother at the time the child was born or recognized the child while married to the mother after the child was born and is the biological father of the child. Otherwise the child must be legitimated and the father be made the legal father so he can assert his rights to his child. Contact us today.